Babies: 0 - 3 Months

LO tested positive for RSV

Our LO started coming down with a cold over the weekend and started weezing and coughing. We took him in to get seen by the Pediatrician on Monday and they gave us a take home Nebulizer and some other medicine to help in the event he has an infection. Yesterday morning we rushed him to the ER because his breathing sounded worse. He tested positive for RSV and the Doc said he has Bronchilitis which is often confused with Asthma. He went on to say that there was nothing he could do or prescribe and we would have to let it run it's course. We called our Doctor today and he pretty much said the same thing. 

 So Im just curious what you all have done that have or had a LO with RSV? We give him breathing treatments every 4 hours and keep the humidifier on near his bed. He's still eating and wetting diapers as normal. We are just concerned with his breathing and chest congestion. 

Any tips or suggestions of other things to try to get the congestion out of his chest? 

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