Babies: 0 - 3 Months

I need some serious advice- baby not sleeping, fussy- 4 weeks

My infant is 4 weeks old and will go 4, 5, up to 8 hours of not sleeping sound. She will start to sleep, then wake up almost in pain and cry. I went to the doctors and she thought perhaps she is a bit colicky, also she gave me meds for acid reflux. The meds seemed to give some relief for a day or two, baby slept sound and woke every 2-3 hours to feed, but today we went backward and she was up from 930-330 without a sound nap.

Also, I admitted to doc. that I was letting her sleep nurse with me and even up to 5 hours throughout the day because that is where she liked being and when I took her off she would cry. I now give pacifier but it falls out or she will be sucking and then start crying out like shes in pain, but all sleepy at the same time.

 I fed her at 930, 12 pm, 2pm then finally she went out at 330pm. Now I am awaiting her to get up so she can eat again.

Bottom line, my baby doesnt seem to be feeling well. Being a first time Mother I feel like I must be doing something wrong or maybe not giving her enough milk from breast? (had mastisis about 2 weeks ago, gone now but one breast doesnt always feel "full"). I also started supplimenting with formula because of this, but she spits up alot, sometimes almost what seems like all her meal. Even at breast only she still spits up more than I would think is normal. Doctor advised no more formula, said she gained 2 pounds in less than a month so she isnt starving- she just wants to be at breastr for comfort.

 This message is probably not making much sense and isnt my best writing, more probably because I am sleep deprived, upset I think my baby is in pain and I just cant stop crying myself thinking about her pain!


PS she does seem to grunt in her sleep, then will fart and this happens often. But honestly I dont think I am eating foods that can cause gas! - maybe- eggs, spaghetti, sandwiches, apples, bananas.


I just dont know. Any advice. Could she honestly just be colic and not be sleeping because of it? Acid refulx? gas? I want my baby to feel good.

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