Babies: 0 - 3 Months

flak for being a SAHM -vent

together my DH and I decided that we would be able to have me stay home with the baby while he worked. We didnt make the choice lightly, but I really wanted to and also paying for daycare here is ridiculous.  We would be losing money if we had our baby in daycare and I worked, also taking into account my 30 minute drive.  So anyway, I keep getting negative comments for staying at home, not like were bad parents or anything-but like we will put ourselves into debt because of it.  Anyone else get this from others? 

It's really frustrating mostly because I love staying at home, but I'm not just sitting around the house.  I'm on my feet most of the day, dishes, laundry, keeping the house organized, etc and taking time to play with the baby one on one.  We live away from our families so they don't always see how clean our house is or how hard I work.  They have the impression that I sit and watch TV all day...ha!  My cousin (who's wife is pregnant now) said to me, "you can't do that.  how do you do that?"  when I explained our sitiation and that we still weren't in the hole he still wasn't convinced.  Dont get me wrong, working moms are amazing, they have a tough job just like SAHM.  But for goodness sake, is there no trust?  we might be a young married couple but were not stupid. 

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