Babies: 0 - 3 Months

F/U to previous gas drops thread

Sort of long vent/cry for help!

So I had used the gas drops just once yesterday afternoon, and I think it helped (about 2 hours after I had given them to DD, whether they actually helped or because it was the long before relief that the gas cleared on its own.... I dunno). Anyway, she was fine last evening, slept from about 10:45p to 4:30a (which is earlier than normal wake up for her, but she didn't eat much at her last feeding about 10p the night before). She started off fine this morning, but ever since about noon today she's been fussy, she's been gassy again and you can hear her little tummy rumbling. She will cry and cry and then she'll pass gas or she'll fill her diaper. She's never really been this bad before. She used to cry just a bit before a fart or poo, but this is pretty bad. She isn't really showing any other signs of colic, so is this maybe a beginning stage?? Something else? Should I try the gas drops again even though it sounds like they may not be the best thing for her?

In addition, while feeding (some cluster feeding the past few days) she tends to nurse well for the first 5 minutes or so, then she'll rotate letting go, and pulling back really hard, then trying to latch, then once she does, she'll yank and pull back hard again causing pain. She'll then get frustrated or pissy about it, but no matter how I try to hold her head and her body against me (even in different positions) she panics and starts to flail. WTH? What am I doing wrong? 

We seemed to be in such sync, and then the past few days all of this happening. Nothing has changed in my diet or our enviornment. I had realized that she was getting gassy when I was drinking so much pop, so I completely eliminated it from my diet (and that was only around Christmas that I was drinking so much - usually we don't have pop at our house and it's not that often that I'll drink it elsewhere). 

Thoughts/suggestions/whatever is so greatly appreciated - TIA!!!!

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