Babies: 0 - 3 Months

? from 3rd Tri FTM - OOT Family when LO arrives?

DH and I are expecting our first baby mid-March.  Our families both live 500 miles away (about an 8 hour drive).  This will be the first grandbaby on both sides, and we're struggling with how to handle OOT family when LO gets here. 

We'd originally thought we'd send everyone home when we go home from the hopsital (and then plan for longer visits a few weeks later).  DH travels for work during the week, so his days at home with us are numbered before he has to start traveling again.  I'd really like for the three of us to have a chance to get to know one another and get used to each other without worrying about visitors or unsolicited advice. 

At the same time, I hate to have the grandparents spend the $$ to get here (about $200 - $250 round-trip) and then send them on their merry way 1 1/2 - 2 days later.  It might be helpful to have some extra help...but I'm worried that "help" might be trying to hold the new grandbaby as much as possible or offering "tips" I don't want. 

We talked about having my parents and the ILs stay at our house while I'm in the hospital and then having them go to a hotel (using some of DH's hotel points) for a night or two after we get home.  I just don't think I'll want overnight guests when we get home - plus we only have one guest room.

I thought it would make the most sense to ask here since you all are going (or just went through) the newborn phase.  What worked for you?  Did you want extra help or do you think it was more helpful to figure things out on your own at first?  TIA!


ETA: I think both sets of parents would definitely drive.  It would be way too expensive to find airfare the day of delivery (or for going home a few days later).

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