Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Cant trust mom to babysit..WWYD

My mom has been watching LO since I went back to work on 12/12.

I found out she has had her ex over while I was gone, even though I made it clear I didnt want anyone there. I hardly know this guy and wasnt comfortable with him being around my daughter. Now to make the situation worse, this is a long story so i wont get into details but her ex girlfriend  ( yes, girlfriend ) has been contacting her. Lets just say she made my mom and I's life miserable while I was growing up and she has always continued to go back to her. She says she wont but i already seen them writing back and forth on FB. I am freeking out, I dont know what to do. My mom had always gone behind my back and everyone elses to see her. I will absolutely die ( and probably kill this girl ) if i find out or see her at my house. I cannot risk her being around my daugher. I plan switching hours at work but it may take a week or two. I dont know what to do. I cant relaxe at work not knowing whats going on or who may be at my house. What would you do in this situation

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