2nd Trimester

Superstitions and Wives Tails

Hey Ladies! I lately have been very interested in superstitions and wives tales. Why not right? They are harmless fun.

Here is one that just happened - I had a itchy right palm, and when i looked it up online it says you will receive money. I came back from my lunch break and I had a email from my boss saying my position salary has been realigned and my salary will increase by 2% as of my next pay period for 2012, just because! Sweet! That doesn't include my annual raise or bonus either. I am SO excited!!

I did some of the gender tests for the baby - pee in baking soda, were fizzy! I did some online quizzes and a chinese gender test - also says boy! I did the ring on the string but it came back inconclusive as I tried it 2x and both times gave me the opposite result.  I would be happy either ways as long as my baby is healthy but if I were to have a preference, I'd pick a boy.

I love these things. Have you tried anything?? 


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
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