2nd Trimester

Pregnant friend stealing my ideas (long and rant like sorry)

So my friend and I are due within 10 days of each other (she is due June 14th and I am due June 24th) She is basically copying everything that I am doing but she is doing it and then telling everyone she came up with the Ideas herself.

 Cloth Diapers, My DH and I have decided since Day 1 we were doing cloth diapers through a diaper service, my SIL and Bro use them for my nephew (he is 4 months) and we love them, so when my friend asked what kind of diapers we were registering for we told her we weren't and told her about the service, now its a free country I have no problem with others doing cloth diapers I tell all my pregnant friends about it. It's how she proceeded after I told her I am annoyed with. She Told all her Friends and Family and posted a loooooong FB status update about how her and her hubby came up with the idea for cloth diapering and they were so excited to save the enviroment and how they did all the research themselves to find this agency yada yada yada. STRIKE ONE


Theme: My DH and I have also said since day one we were having a Jungle theme in our nursery, low and behold guess who emailed me today about all the jungle theme stuff she registered for and how her baby is going to love the jungle theme room they are doing. Oh and not to mention I posted 3 possible color choices for my room on fb for opinion (I have alot of family out of town and it's how I stay connected) They are all in the green family, My friend's original plan was to paint the room either Pink (for girl) or Blue (for boy) or worse case she said she wanted a pale yellow.... Well guess who is painting their room GREEN now!!!      STRIKE TWO


Finally the baby shower, she emailed me today to ask when my baby showering was going to be. I told her the date assuming she was hoping they wouldn't conflict since our due dates are so close and we have alot of the same friends. (mine is May 8th) after I email her the date, she emailes me back, oh Good I'm planning mine in March I wanted to make sure I got to have mine first because some people get sick of baby showers and I want to make sure people come to mine, and of course she added in the "no offsense"


I know I know I should've kept my mouth shut about certain things, but come on I am FTM, she is a FTM, I thought we would become closer friends and share things like this. Instead she is just a thunder stealer!!

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