Babies: 0 - 3 Months


Ok I'm a FTM my DD is 10 wks old and I'm scheduled to go back to work on the 9th we have a babysitter that will be taking care of DD Mon-Fri 8-4:30. My DD has been suffering from SEVERE allergies since 6wks olds. Milk, soy, perfumes you name it she's had a reaction (vaccines were a nightmare). I was anticipating it as I have severe allergies as an adult and endured desensitizing shots for years as a kid. I have been seriously considering taking FMLA for another 12wks while DD is undergoing her testing and start her treatments (she can't be tested until the 20th when she's 3mths). I am extremely terrified to have anyone watch my DD given her issues and the fact that we aren't 100% on ALL of her allergies. She's on hypoallergenic formula and I have to be super careful with what I eat for my breast milk as she's had a reaction to peanuts, dairy and shellfish. My DH is giving me a difficult time with this decision. Money will be tight but not that bad we do have some savings to hold us over until the leave is up, any advice out there? 
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