2nd Trimester

Leg pain while trying to sleep - help!

I've read a lot about leg cramps, and aligning your hips and all that jazz. Even have a really awesome body pillow that was great for a few weeks. But this week I've started waking up in the middle of the night with the sorest right thigh. The outside of my thigh is just killing me and I guess it's from sleeping on it, but I don't know why it's just started hurting this week. Then when I switch back to my left side (where I usually start the night off) the pain continues in that right thigh. I stretch it out, prop it up on the pillow, pull it up towards my chest...nothing helps! DH rubbed it a bit the other morning which helped temporarily, but I can't sleep comfortably anymore because of this stupid pain!! Any suggestions? Anyone else experiencing something similar? Not a cramp, just an achy, sore, painful thigh muscle. 
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