Babies: 0 - 3 Months

2 1/2 month wakeful period?!

What is going on?  LO would not go to bed last night?!  She had great naps during the day and was a happy little girl.  Then rolls around 5 or 6 pm...with bedtime in the future at 7pm...and she's gone crazy!  Crying, fussing, and NOT sleeping!  We did the nighttime routine, and her eyes were wide open.  She'd cry a little, talk a lot (she loves this now...she's trying out her vocal cords and tongue and all I think and loving it), and look around.  No amount of rocking, nursing, setting in crib to fall asleep on her own, sound machine, projector on wall, NOTHING could help this girl out.  It was after 10pm when she finally went down for good for the night.  And DH had to step in multiple times.  I feel like such a failure as a mom; like I just don't know what she wants or what to do for her!  And I feel so bad that I was just too exhausted that DH had to step in.  I don't know why but I just feel I should be able to do this all on my own without breaking down!
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