Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Freaking out over my son's Circumcision.

My son was circumcised the first week of his life. He's now six weeks old. Everyone said he would heal by 10 days and we would see final results by one month. Well that's just great because it's been over a month and the left side of his penis is puffed out still.. A lot =( My OB did the circ. and said the part that is still puffy is the skin underneath... As in deeper than where he cut I guess. When I asked him if it was normal he said not really and that it's just cosmetic. He also said that he will 'grow into it' as he grows. He said he wouldn't worry about it and he isn't going to mess with it... 

 I also wanted to mention that I've heard of parents having to pull back some skin during the healing process? My doctor told me not to do this. So, I didn't. I don't know if that could have effected it as well?

 Has anyone gone through this? Will the puffy part go down? I'm so upset because I wasn't sure if I should even do it in the first place and now I will feel so bad if it doesn't go down.

 Before anyone comments I know this is a touchy subject and rude comments are NOT welcome. Being mean isn't going to make my situation any better and I already feel bad enough. Thank you for respecting me and Thank you for taking the time to read my post =) 

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