Babies: 0 - 3 Months

XP: Contractions @34wks but deliver @39-40wks?

Hi Ladies, I was in L&D on Thursday with contractions that were 5 minutes apart. I was 34w 1d so the doctors said they wouldn't do anything to stop the contractions nor to progress the labor. The contractions went away after drinking lots of water and resting then walking the halls, so they let me go home.

My question - if you were contracting like this around 34wks when did you deliver?

I'm trying to understand the likelihood that I'll still make it to 39-40 weeks - or if that's a crazy idea and baby is more likely coming in the next 1-2 weeks. Doc didn't really tell me and nurse commented that she thought for sure my contractions would continue and I'd be having a baby that day. I've continued to have contractions every day but not every 5 minutes.

Thanks and much luck to all you new mommas! I know how hard the first few weeks/months are - but it gets better (DS is almost 3). 

Married June '03. DS born Jan '09. DD born Feb '12. No, we didn't choose to be childless for the first 6 years, only the first 3.
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