Babies: 0 - 3 Months

I really don't know what I'm doing. Colic? Reflux? Help?

I really hope this doesn't end up being really confusing. LO will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. He was exclusively bf'd for three weeks, and I wanted to continue. However, he screamed and screamed after every feeding and finally I decided to try some formula to see if maybe that would help him. We tried Similac Sensitive, the kind for gas and fussiness, but it didn't help. We went to the pedi and told him how LO was inconsolable after every feeding, but he dismissed us after about 3 seconds and just gave us a handout on colic. I'm not saying LO doesn't have colic, I just don't feel like he really listened to us and tried to find a solution. After another few nights of inconsolable screaming, where he was red in the face and hoarse, I bought some Nutramagin formula for colic associated with a milk-protein allergy, because several people had told me that it worked for their babies. We only started it last night and he seems a bit better, but I guess it's too early to really tell. I feel like I'm having to play doctor myself since ours doesn't seem too helpful. LO still has painful gas, and cries every time he passes gas. He hasnt pooped since Friday night, I'm concerned about this too. He spits up after every feeding with the Nutrimagin, but he has never done that with breast milk. I'm still pumping so if this doesn't work I can just give him breastmilk. I feel like a horrible parent because he just cries and cries and there's nothing I can do. We have tries gripe water and gas drops and they don't seem to help either. Am I doing something horribly wrong? I just want a happy baby! I'm a FTM and feel like I have no idea what I'm doing :(
BFP: 3/28/2010 Beta #1-120, Beta #2-590 EDD: 12/7/2011 HB: 109 BPM on 4/15 HB: 167 BPM on 5/13! 7/18 IT'S A BOY!
"For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me the petition which I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27
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"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
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