2nd Trimester

feeling so un-attractive .. trying to change my attitude

I need to vent ... could use a attitude adjustment here ..

So the backstory:

In my early twenties I slowly started gaining weight. Mostly horrible eating choices, no excersise, eating late etc etc. By the time I hit my 25th birthday I was up to 230 + lbs on my 5'5 frame. In Jan 2006 I made the decision to get healthy .. and by changing my lifestyle and being active ( no surgery or diet pills ) I managed  to slowly loose and maintain my weight loss. By my 30th birthday 4 years later I had managed to get down to 135 lbs .. and I stayed at that weight for the last 4 years by maintaining my lifestyle. 

At 135 5'5 , I never classified myself as thin .. but a very average healthy active person ... and I was thrilled that all this hard work had paid off.

The current situation:

In the midst of all this weight loss DH and I spent 8+ years TTC .. and finally this year for the first time ever at 34 years old .. I became pregnant. One of the most shocking ( doctor's told me it was not going to happen) and emotional/happy things that has ever happened to me.

I am 18 weeks .. and I have only gained 5 lbs or so .. but due to my problems with infertility my doctor has put me on pelvic rest AND forbidden excersise (with the exception for my job which is active) until my due date.  This is causing me to feel extremley upset and emotional with my appearance. Dealing with weight gain is hard enough for me given my history .. but not being able to be active makes me feel like I am turning back into my old self .. something I never want to be. 

I am SO thankful for this pregnancy .. and I am trying every day to keep this in perspective .. obviously the health of my baby and weight gain are part of pregnancy. But I cant help but feel the old depression feelings I used to have start creeping back in when because I feel like the "old" me .. which was so unhappy.

Any help/suggestion/etc for how you are helping yourself achieve a positive body image in the state of your current changing body? I would love ANY suggestions to help me deal with these very strong emotions! 

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