2nd Trimester

Family Wedding Dilemma

My SIL just recently got engaged and asked me to be in her wedding and I said yes.  Her original plan was to get married in December but they recently decided maybe they wanted to do it this August towards the beginning (her FI is a teacher so he needs to be on break from school).  I am due July 8th and I am not sure if I should tell her I can't be in the wedding.  I don't want to overreact but with my son we had major issues nursing so my husband and I have already agreed this baby will not get a bottle until 6 weeks because we feel like nipple confusion contributed to his poor latch.  I also had a 4th degree tear with my son and my OB said it is likely that I will tear again because the skin in that area is very weak due to my previous tear.  I feel like being a part of the wedding and doing hours of pictures could potentially be difficult.  Plus I would need to stop and nurse the baby at least every 3 hours and it would disrupt things.  It makes me sad that I wouldn't get to be in her wedding and be there for her but at the same time, she knows when I am due and she is choosing the date.  What would everyone else do in this situation?

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