2nd Trimester

I really really need to vent.

Okay... so my brother (college student) has been staying with my husband and I for the week. We are currently living in a hotel because my husband is a Naval Officer and we are in transit right now to our next duty station. It's a nice size room, but after a while, it seems like a cardboard box. Anyway, so, he has been staying with us and that would be fine, but I don't know when my brother turned into such a cynical ***. 

 My brother is an atheist, and my husband and I are Christians. Okay... that's fine. We respect his beliefs, but we also expect him to respect ours, which he does not. All week he has been asking why this and why that and am I really going to lie to my kids about Santa Clause and blah blah blah blah blah. Also, my husband and I listen to Country Music, and my brother does not, so all week he has been moaning and groaning on car rides. He posted on twitter that he doesn't know how much more of this "bible belt" music he can take. 

 I have confronted him, I have giving my opinion, but he just retorts with "Have you always been such a ***, or is it just because you are pregnant?" I called my mom crying because I couldn't take it anymore, and now she feels guilty that I had to deal with this. Normally, he would have stayed with her during his Christmas break, but my mother recently moved to California (we are in the Northeast) and neither of them could afford the plane tickets to get him out there. My father and brother have a strained relationship so before all of this happened, I thought it would be nice to have my baby brother stay with me so we could catch up on EVERYTHING! (We haven't seen each other in almost a year, but talk on the phone, text, and facebook frequently). He has never been this horrible to me. 

He gets me in such a bad mood. I was on the verge of tears all day yesterday because it seemed that every time I said something, he had something to say that would challenge that.  He is going back to school today, and I am so relieved. I just needed to vent. Sorry! I haven't had somebody make me so angry before. My baby could feel my tension because she was in an ass-kicking mood all day!!!! Every two minutes so would give me a little kick! 


Ughhh..... anyway... thanks for reading/listening! 

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