Upstate NY Babies

Speech services question

**I don't mean for this to be a controversial issue, just curious what others think**

Do you think that we're paying more attention to issues like speech delays than they did when we were all kids?  Does that mean there's more a problem or that we're just recognizing delays?  There's quite a few kids on this board who have had speech evals. or receive services, mine included, and my mom and MIL both thought I was crazy for thinking there was a delay.  Their response was that she'll talk when she's ready and that she's just busy with other things.  It is true that she is definitely motor skills driven, although she is gaining more language lately, I think receiving services clearly will help.  I know a lot of kids also receive PT but I think there are some causes to that, like the back to sleep campaign/torticolis link. 

I guess my take on it is that I do think we're being more proactive about stuff like speech issues.  I think before it would have been an issue that would have waited until school or if it was severe enough that there was no language, I assume the child would have received a diagnosis of mute or an incorrect disability.   I looked up when EI programs began and it listed 1990's which I think goes along with my thoughts of why things would have gone "unnoticed" when we were all kids. 

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