Upstate NY Babies

Ethan's speech evaluations

We had the 3 evaluations at the beginning of December.  We just got the results today.  For psychological he is high average and average.  For the speech he is severely delayed.  He is 2 standard deviations below.  I knew he was behind but it is still hard to hear. everyone is recommending more speech therapy which is what we want. So I don't think i will have any problem with the school district

The speech teacher was tough.  She was kind of worst case scenario type of person telling me that some kids receive speech up until 8th grade.  She also put that Ethan wouldn't sit still for her.  It was his 3rd evaluation in 3 days.  He was tired of it.

On a side note it is funny what the dad remembers vs the mom.  DH says E weighed 7lbs 6 oz(he was 7lbs 1 oz) and had 2-3 ear infections(he has had 1)

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