Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Recomendations Wanted: Sound Machines and Milk Storage

I am looking for recommendations for two things. First thing is a sound machine. I have been using my iPod with some rain white noise sounds on it. The problem is the track is only 10 minutes so I have to put the track on repeat and then my iPod freezes several times a night and I have to reset. I have been looking into one of the Homedics ones that play the nature sounds but I have read mixed reviews. Does anyone else have any recommendations for a good machine that will play all night? I would prefer one with rain/nature sounds as LO sleeps in my and DH's room right now.

The other thing I would like advice on is milk storage. Because DS was three weeks early and slightly tongue tied he isn't able to latch so I pump all of his milk for him and he eats from a bottle. Right now I am producing more than he can eat in a day so I am storing a lot of milk. What I have been doing is pump into one of the 5 oz. Medela bottles and then transfer into one of the Medela Pump and Save bags. I find that it is easier to collect in the bottles. However, the Medela bags are sort of pricey and I have heard that the Lanisoh ones are even better. Also, rotating the four 5 oz bottles is tough. Are there any other bottles that will work with the Medela pump?

Thanks for the advice!

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