2nd Trimester

Abnormal 13 week U/S - Heart Development

I just had my 13 week ultrasound, second screening for downs syndrome, and all the markers came back as negative - phew. The doctor did however say he was concerned that the heart looked abnormal b/c he didn't see the internal dividing line in the heart (septum). The heart rate was 161 which is good (although I was told that one doesn't have anything to do with the other). I know they don't usually do an anatomy scan until 18-20 weeks and was just wondering if anyone else has had this issue? I was told I could do a CVS, which I said no to, or wait for an amnio at 16 weeks to learn more. It's really scary and I don't know whether to be really concerned or if it's just a case of over-reacting. I have a doctor's appt. a week from today where we'll go over my results but was just wondering what experiences everyone has had. Thanks and Happy New Year!
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