Single Parents

Just need to vent...

Ugh...I'm at the end of my rope today and I just need to vent.  I can't at home because I live with my parents currently (hoping to move back out this summer once my lawyer loan is all paid off) and as nice as they are, they don't quite understand.  I'm having the type of day where I just feel crappy about being a single mom.  The whole "this is not where I thought my life would end up"  blah blah blah.  My DS does not sleep through the night (have tried EVERY. SINGLE. BOOK and asked his pediatrician...nothing works), he is having some sort of gastrointestinal problem (chronic diarrhea, can't figure that out either), and the ex is no help with that and sent DS home on Wednesday from his x-mas visit with a diaper rash so bad he has open sores (already documented at the pediatrician).

What is getting to me the most is how lonely this whole thing is.  I don't know any other single parents (and I've looked), and there is no one to help pick up the slack so to speak.  It's New Years and I'll probably wind up staying in, but I'm just having a sad day and wishing I had a special someone to cuddle in with tonight.  

Got that out, vent over, thanks for listening :)  Onwards and upwards.

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