2nd Trimester

Sorry about the TMI, but I need some reassurance

So let me just begin by saying, I'm sorry if this is TMI!! This post is about sex, just a warning.

Before I got pregnant, my DH and I's sex life was pretty, well let just say hot and heavy. We enjoy being with each other and trying new things (positions, toys, etc). Well, I'm almost 15 weeks pregnant now and I'm starting to worry. My DH is very understanding but his sex drive hasn't really changed. He is okay with limiting the type of positions but not neccessarily the intenstiy of it (if you get what I'm saying). And we still using different toys.

My concern is that we are in some way hurting the baby or the development of the baby. I know that sex itself isn't harmful in any way, but I'm worried that what we do might be causing harm.  I'm too early to feel any movement so sometimes I'm really scared that there might be something wrong and I can't tell.

I am really sorry if this is TMI but I seriously started to freak out about it this morning afterwards. 

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