Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Babywise followers, please help!!!

I am a little late to the game, my LO is 11 weeks old andI tried to kind of start following Babywise this week.  I already was doing a lot of it without knowing (the eat, play, sleep routine) but I have been trying to do more of a schedule like it suggests.  Since I started on Monday, my LO has been horrible at night!! I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. For those doing it, do you wake your LO from naps during the day to stay on a schedule??  I have always heard don't wake a sleeping baby but the book suggests them eating every three hours until sleeping through the night.  She is getting plenty to eat...30-32 ounces per day so I know that isn't the issue but I just don't understand. Please help!
TTC Since 2/09... BFP 12/26/09 - Missed miscarriage (6 weeks), D&C 1/28/10, BFP 4/23/10 - Miscarriage (18 wks 4 days) due to Turner's Syndrome, Delivered Lyla Ann on 7/29/10, BFP 12/10/10 - Natural miscarriage (5 weeks 6 days) 12/23/10, BFP 2/2/11 - EDD: 10/15/11 - Stick baby stick!!
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