Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Newborn only wants to sleep on us

My daughter is 5 days old. Is there anything I can do to get her to sleep somewhere other than on DH and I? Once she took a nap in a swing and she'll sleep in her stroller if she falls asleep during a walk. But when I feed her and put her in the crib asleep (and I'm pretty sure she's in deep sleep by that point judging by her limpness) she is up within 10 minutes. Am I not swaddling tight enough? Is there anything else I should be doing? Right now Dh and I have staggered sleep schedules but he has to go back to work soon and then when will I sleep? I am not a baby bed. Cosleeping is out of the question as our bed is a walking advertisement for reasons not to cosleep (down comforter, pets who already sleep up there, etc).  Any advice?   
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