Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Growing out of everything too soon! Does anyone else have a LO this big!?

DS was born 9lb 1oz and 21.5 inches long.   He's now 9 1/2  weeks and weighs over 16 lb and is at least 23.5 inches (he was that long at his last appt. at 5 weeks and I am assuming he has grown even more since then so probably 24 inches by now)!  

He has officially outgrown his bassinet, so we decided to have him sleep in the pack n' play bassinet, only to discover 2 nights later after I weighed him on a baby scale that he had exceeded the limit of 15 lbs on the bassinet part of the pack n' play.  We now have no choice but to move him to his crib, which we didn't want to have to do until he was about 3 mos old or so.  We're not ready yet to have him sleeping in a different room with just the video monitor so we're going to sleep in there with him (nursery is also our guest room). 

He's healthy and so far the pedi hasn't had a problem with his weight, as it's proportionate to his length. He's just a big little guy Big Smile but we're starting to wonder how much longer he has before he grows out his swing and car seat and hoping things slow down a little!  Does anyone else have a bigger baby around this age and have you had to adjust your plans? 

~~1st time Mom and Dad of a beautiful baby boy, and loving life!~~

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