Babies: 0 - 3 Months


Okay I realize this is a seriously heated topic and I am not trying to start a debate so if your only reason in responding is to make people who choose one way or another feel bad then please take it elsewhere.  Lets make this a flame free post from one mom to others who just love their babies soooo much and dont want anything to happen to them.

LO has her 2 month appt tomorrow so I have been doing some research, I know I should have started before now but I didn't. Anyway I found quite a few studies indicating that the DTaP vaccine is linked to SIDs and it scared the crap out of me.  I realize you have to take a lot of different points of views. But it seems every source I came upon stating that there was no link was sponsered by the government (no I am not a conspiracy theorist but I think we can all admit the medical system and the government go pretty much hand in hand) and it listed no official studies it said vaugue things like "many reputable studies show..."

Where as all the studies that proved it listed names, dates they were published in regonized medical journals etc.

If you delayed what one did you delay and for how long? If you did them how did your LO react? Or If you are not doing them at all what concerns do you have about the actual illness itself?


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