Babies: 0 - 3 Months

PCOS, Birth Control, and Breast Feeding? So confused O_0

A little background. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 13 and have been on BC ever since. I got off the BC about 5 months before I got pregnant and had to take one round of Clomid to conceive. In between the time I quit my BC and got pregnant I had about 3 periods. Normal pregnancy. Now it's time to start thinking about BC again. I had implanon before I got pregnant and liked it just fine. However I am hesitant to get back on hormonal BC b/c I am breast feeding. Also, I've been on hormones for 13 years now and I can't imagine what that has done to my body. I was always told I had to be on BC to treat my PCOS but was never really told why.  I know pregnancy can sometimes "cure" PCOS and sometimes makes it worse. Now I'm really confused about what I should do. My OB is not much help in this arena and the only endochronologist in town only wants to treat PCOS if I'm trying to get pregnant (which I'm SOOO NOT!).  I'm trying to decide between getting another implanon or a non hormonal IUD. The IUD kind of freaks me out though. The potential complications are pretty serious.  Has anyone been in a similar situation? What did you do?  TIA
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