2nd Trimester

So now it's a BOY?

One doc said at our 12 week 3D ultrasound that he's 90% sure it's a girl...

Then another said at 80% sure it's a girl at 14 weeks, though her machine wasn't 3D

Today at 17 weeks she says 80% it's a boy!

I've been totally overwhelmed with all the girly nursery stuff and  I finally narrowed it down to like 15 themes. Now I gotta do it all over again, this time for a boy! 

But my question is... I get another ultrasound done at 20 weeks, should I just put it all off till then? How soon does everyone order the crib etc? The store here in L.A. takes over 3 months!!! Our friends waited a little over 4 months!!! 

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