2nd Trimester

AW: Elective Ultrasound -- Team Green OMG so hard!!!

We had our elective ultrasound today and the babies look just wonderful. We got some awesome pictures and DH's parents were just amazed (he and his brother are both adopted so it was the first ultrasound they'd ever gotten to see...it was part of their Christmas gift).

At the end of the ultrasound I asked the technician if she knew the sex and would be able to tell me if I wanted to know. She said yes and I was SO tempted! I didn't think I would be, but it was so hard to say no. My MIL was miffed that I wouldn't let her spill the beans, but she'll get over it.

DH said he thinks he saw boy parts on one of the babies but wasn't really sure. I guess we'll find out in a few months.  Smile  

Oh yeah, the technician was super sweet and gave us a few 3D images even though we just paid for the 2D. Baby B has my husbands chubby little cheeks. It was so precious. I love his facial features, and I desperately wanted at least one of our babies to take after him. I just cried when I saw those precious cheeks. Best Christmas present ever.  

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