2nd Trimester

stay at home moms... pumping?

I am planning on being a stay at home mom, at least for a year or two with my first baby (so long as we can financially afford it). My sister told me that she had a pump I may be able to borrow, but that ended up falling through.


I am going back and forth on whether or not I should register for, and potentially buy, my own electric pump. I know there are pros and cons.... I figure it will be so nice to be able to have pumped bottles for others to enjoy the feeding process, and help out too. It would be nice to have some help for late night feedings (and yes, I understand my husband will be working, but I will also need sleep to take care of the baby the best I can). Besides, he would LOVE to be able to have that bonding time with the baby, day or night. And obviously it would be nice for when we are out and other times. I just know they are pricey (if I have to get it on my own) and I don't want people wondering why I need a pump if I am going to be at home with the baby. Also, this is all assuming I will be able to breastfeed and pump without any problems, and that isn't any guarantee.


I know it's up to DH and myself, but I was wondering what other stay at home moms were doing. When I read a post the other day about pumping, it was all about working moms pumping at work, and I started second guessing myself....

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