Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Did I just get my Period? TMI?

I am 7 weeks postpartum, EBF and on Progesterone pill only. My doc said that I may have some 'breakthrough' bleeding but not necessarily my period for several months since I am EBF. I have been bleeding since Monday. Today it has been a lot lighter than earlier in the week. I am still wearing a pad though. I called the doc and the assistant said that it all sounded normal but that if it got worse to call back. I am just breakthrough bleeding sometimes heavier than just spotting? I have only been on the progesterone pill for 1 week, so it seems really fast for that to have happened. Does it sound like I had my period? I just have no idea...hopefully nothing to worry about? 
kaylinsig1tubbab1 Lilypie First Birthday tickers image

Compromise and Balance are key. JH.

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