2nd Trimester

Rant/Vent and a question tossed in there as well !

When will I get to the point of "loving" being pregnant like I hear all these people talk about. So far I had a respitory infection last week, that they couldn't treat because I'm pregnant, so out of work for a week (no pay), I had a tooth that needed to be pulled, dentist wouldn't pull it until after my pregnancy was over, oh thats ok it cracked and fell out yesterday! I also need a root canal which the dentist can't do until after the new year because I need to be further along in my pregnancy, so almost every night I am up with gum and tooth pain and tylenol really is the whimpiest pain med ever made. I've had a runny nose for weeks, which I've learned is something called pregnancy rhinitis, oh and lets not even talk about my face that looks like i'm going through purberty all over again to the point that close friends and family are asking "Whats up with your face?" I Know some people have it worse, but I try whining to my DH and he just tells me to "suck it up" which really isn't helpful and I just needed to get this off my chest. and just ask When will I love being pregnant, because right now I just feel miserable , and 2nd tri is suppose to be the most comfortable trimester, am I missing something??


~ frustrated 13 weeker

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