2nd Trimester

Umbilical Cord... need input!

Hello! So I usually go to this site just to lurk, however I have decided to be more vocal:) I am 23 I have been married to my DH since July.  We were so shocked but excited to find out I was pregnant the very next month after going off birth control. (Guess it was God's plan)  At my 20 week appointment we found out that we are having a baby boy! We are more than elated!

Now here starts the vent....  At the A/S we found out the baby was a boy, was healthy, and was measuring at 14 oz.  Well that day I did not have an appointment with the doctor after.  So yesterday was my first time meeting with the doctor.  It was about three and a half weeks after the A/S.  I had not heard anything from the doctor's office, so I naturally assumed everything was fine.  Well at my appointment yesterday I had a different doctor, because mine was not there.. I was fine with that because it was just a quick check up.  Well as the routine appointment was ending, I decided I should just ask about my ultra sound.   The doctor took a look at my charts and said the tech left a note to reschedule an ultra sound for me.  Apparently the tech was only able to see two arteries/veins, when there are suppose to be three.  Well the doctor did such a poor job explaining it, I left the doctors office in tears.  I immediately called the nurse, who is amazing.  She told me this may be an indicator the baby will have kidney problems.  She told me not to worry because most of the time everything is fine... However, easier said than done.  Has anyone had experience with this? 

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