2nd Trimester

Placenta Previa???

I had terrible low back pain yesterday and some general cramping. This morning I got up to dark brown spotting and freaked out. I called the doctor right away even though I am smart enough to know that it is most likely nothing... I am a worrier so I had to see the baby right away. The doctor said that there was some dark brown blood still inside even though I had stopped spotting... so I burst into tears - again not sure why. I heard the heart beat at 162 and saw the baby on not one but two ultrasounds. He did the vaginal one first and thought that he saw some of the placenta lower than it should be... then did a tummy scan. From this he says that the placenta is covering a small portion of the cervix which might have caused the blood. He has no people skills. He proceeded to tell me of all the bad things that could happen like hemorrhage, death, and removal of the fetus if I bleed badly and never once tell me that it was perfectly fine and would most likely move on its own before it became a problem! I called my husbands cousin who is a NP and works in a woman's clinic and she calmed me right down... anyone else have this? Is my doctor an idiot? He clearly saw how upset I was... the nurse even kept telling me that everything looked great and not to worry.
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