Babies: 0 - 3 Months

DD addicted to paci

First of all, let me say that I know little newborns have an intense need to suck and it soothes them immensely.

DD will not go to sleep w/o her paci for both naps an bedtime.  She loves the darn thing so much that she roots and when I nurse her, she gets fussy and roots again until I give her the paci.

For her naps, she roots for it when I am rocking her.  Once she is drowsy, I put her down and once she spits it out I have to put in back in.  A couple of her naps are only 45 minutes and replacing a paci 3-4 times makes for broken sleep.

I just got done putting the paci back in for 2 hours at bedtime tonight. She is waking 3 times overnight and only nursing once. 

I don't mind (although it is kind of annoying) putting it back in, but I can tell she is not getting restful sleep.

I know she is too young for CIO....I am looking for tips, suggestions or experience.  I almost feel like we are stuck until she is old enough for some type of sleep training. 

Owen - January 2009 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Owen is a big brother!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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