2nd Trimester

Pregnancy Brain

Does it exists??  Funny story.


So yesterday I got a call from my husband at work.  He said there is a co-worker of his that is having a Christmas Party and do I want to go when he gets home?  Oh!  That sounds like fun!

Now I went a made a dish (dates stuff with parmesan, wrapped in bacon), got ready, squeeze into a dress and am ready to go (looking quite cute too).

My husband gets home and says, "why are you all dressed up?"  I tell him, "we're going to the Christmas party, right?"

He gives me a "are you high" look and said no, that we were going to view a house (we're in the middle of finding a bigger place to live).

"Are you sure??  I swear you said we're going to a Christmas Party!" 

The look on his face was priceless and he did add, that he felt bad and I looked so good.

End of the story, we saw the house (fell in love with it) and went out to dinner.

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