Upstate NY Babies

Update, as promised (and PIP)

Little bean is measuring right on schedule at 8 weeks.  We couldn't be happier and more relieved (at least for now...)

May I present, the future Baby B.

Weird shadows that look like a face, right?

The appointment went fabulously.  I measured right on track and the NP said everything looked great.  I absolutely LOVE her.  This makes 2 awesome practitioners at the same office.

When we went in for the u/s, I couldn't see the screen right away, so I just watched DH.  Seeing his reaction when they found the baby was one of the best things ever.  I am so glad I watched him instead of the screen.  He was glowing.  It was truly amazing.  Then she found the heartbeat and turned the volume up.  I will never forget that sound.  Absolutely amazing.

What a wonderful day.

Thank you again for all of the thoughts, prayers, support and good vibes.  You ladies are wonderful!!!
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