Babies: 0 - 3 Months

A few questions about crying...

1) Our son used to LOVE his carseat/the car. Now, I'd say for the past week or so, he cries as soon as we put him in the carseat and cries even harder when we put him in the car. Sometimes he will scream himself to sleep, sometimes he'll scream the entire time it takes to get wherever we're going. Anyone else's baby suddenly hate the car? He is generally not a crier at all (only cries when he's wet or hungry), so it's been pretty hard for me to deal with every time we get in the car.

2) Carter slept for almost 8 hours in a row last night! He averages 5-6 hours for his first stretch of sleep, so this was very exciting for us. However, when he woke up, he was SCREAMING bloody murder. My husband heard him from across the apartment and got up to check on us. I assume he was just hungry, since he drank his bottle and was fine, but I've never heard him sound like that was almost what he sounded like when he got his 2-month shots. Is his body just not used to going that long without eating? Will he get used to it and cry less intensely (not sure how you spell that) ? I hope so...

3) He will be 3 months old on Friday! Normally, I get to the Bump board through Facebook by clicking on Mommyhood and it takes me to the 0-3 boards. Does anyone know if this will update me to the 3-6 board when he hits 3 months or will I now have to actually go to the Bump website?

 Thank you!

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