Single Parents

Filing an injunction

Has anyone filed an injunction for support and custody?  Our divorce is far from going to court and I am getting antsy over visitation.  I have an order of protection against stbxh, but it does not extend to my dd.  The judge that saw me in family court for order made it clear that I was to send her for visitation, despite lack of an official court order stating that I had to.  I am concerned that stbxh is going to try to keep my daughter.  

Due to the order and several issues with dd health I am petitioning for sole custody.  My stbxh sent her home this week with her butt so chaffed that I wasn't sure how it had happened, looks like severe diaper rash.  She was slight pink when she left, no chaffing or swelling.  I took a picture and called her pedi to document.  This is not the first instance of this type of problem.

Am I likely to get sole custody (I live in CNY)?  And what is the injunction process like?  I forgot to ask my lawyer what would happen besides a court date. TIA

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