Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Please tell me what is so great about the Moby wrap

I have tried it a few times now and it is always a huge disaster. Fiprst, it practically takes a degree in engineering to get the thing on.  Plus I always feel like I need a third arm to to hold all the fabric and position the baby, etc. Then when I finally get it on DS wakes up from all the jostling to get him in there and he doesn't want to stay in it. AND the couple of times he's been in it for a few minutes he feels like he's 200 degrees when I take him out

I so want to like the Moby and I would love a way to carry DS hands free, but so far it's an epic fail. What am I missing here??

DD february 2010 | DS october 2011

*please excuse my typos, bumping from my iphone*
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