Upstate NY Babies

Is your dh socially challenged?

Ugh, my dh can not handle social situations! We walk in to a room full of people I don't know and he asks me where to sit! lol I left it up to him and we sat at an empty table. I ask him where the other managers are and he doesn't really say but indicates he isn't "part of the crowd".

I finally got him to ask the head manager if there was room at their table, thank goodness he said yes or else we would have sat alone! I could tell he doesn't socialize with them at work though. My dh has never been very social, even with friends but they all sort of talked around him.

They were all nice and friendly, but some of the things dh said made me want to smack my forehead......they sort of ignored him or laughed along. His boss is enough that I had to dream about him (not in a juicy way, just in a he was there way). I talked more than dh did. 

Aside from dh being awkward it was fun and we were home by 10! Next date is in Feb to see Shrek the Musical!

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