Babies: 0 - 3 Months

*~*gwendarling, CA2006, JulieB00lie, LBD*~*

Ok, so second day of daycare is down the tubes. Going fine. We get home and he is so exhausted from not sleeping all day he naps long enough in the carseat for me to cook dinner. Score! So, for your amusement... I'm going to quote from his little "report card" for the day. I picked him up and his teacher said, "He's getting better at putting himself to sleep in the crib! Longer naps each time!" I got all excited, and then read this:


"I slept:


7:55-8:40 (swing - turned off)

10:45-10:55 (crib!)

11:30-11:45 (crib)

1:30-1:50 (crib)"



Ummm I lol'd at the exclamation point after the first crib. I drop him off at 6:45 and after 4 hours, they finally got a 10 minute nap in the crib. Yippee. And we're up to naps that are A WHOLE WHOPPING 20 MINUTES LONG IN THE CRIB! YAAAY! (/sarcasm)


Made me laugh out loud. But I guess any progress is progress, right? She said she couldn't even get his last bottle down because he kept falling asleep through it. Well yeah, he's freaking tired. hahaha.


Anyway, made me giggle and I thought the "nap" schedule would amuse those of you who have suffered through the nap time thing with me! Hope your weeks are going well. I miss getting on here more often. Can't bump from work :( 

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