Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Can someone tell me where the "Please judge my parenting" sign is..

...because I'd like to remove it!

Here's my day:

After DS & I both eat breakfast, I bundle him up and put him in the Ergo to take the dog on a walk.  A man at the park says to me, "You need to go inside, it's too cold to have a baby out here."  It's 60 degrees outside, and I have him bundled up-he's good.

I had to go to the Dr. to get an ultrasound of DS's hips (b/c he was frank breech for so long, they wanted to check to make sure he doesn't have hip dysplasia).  Well, this disturbed his nap and he started to cry.  The technician told me to put a pacifier in his mouth.  Here's how the conversation went:

Her:  You need to put a pacifier in his mouth.

Me:  Oh, I don't use pacifiers.

Her:  Well, the crying is very disturbing and a pacifier would help with that.

Me:  I understand that but I don't have a pacifier.

Her:  You should really get some.  If you don't use pacifiers when they sleep, he'll suffocate to death when he starts rolling over.

Seriously?  Then, she finished and I was putting him in his carseat.  She said, you can go ahead and feed him first if you want.  I told her he ate an hour ago, so he's not hungry.  She told me that I really shouldn't starve my son.  I say again, seriously?  He's 2 months old and wearing 3-6 month size clothes.  I don't think he's starving...

Then, I go to the mall to do some Christmas shopping.  I stop at the food court to grab a bite and feed DS.  A woman at the table next to me says to me, "I can't believe you aren't breastfeeding.  You are robbing your baby of the proper nutrition."  Really, lady?  You don't know my situation, and you have no room to tell me about my child's proper nutrition when your three overweight children are scarfing down McDonald's like it's going out of style.  (I have no problem with kids having the occasional fast food, I'm just saying the situation was a little ironic.)  

K, sorry for the long vent-just fed up with people today! 

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