Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Breastfeeding & Pumping?

So I was planning on starting to pump when my DD is 4 weeks old so DH can help with feeding but I also want to continue to BF her and I just realized I have no idea how to go about doing both. I further realized that I know virtually nothing about bottle feeding a baby. When are you supposed to pump? I feed her appx every 2-3 hours so am I supposed to do it in between? If I do will she have enough milk for the next feeding? I really don't know how many ounces to put in a bottle b/c I have no idea how much she is eating now. There are so many different opinions on storage I'm completely confused.  I'm going to ask her doctor what she recommends of course but does anyone know of a good website that can give me the basics on how to get started? TIA.
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