Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What dumb things have you done while sleep deprived?

For example I forgot I let the dog outside and she escaped out of the backyard.

Or I put my keys in my boots and then couldnt find them for two days.

Or while since husband had his keys and mine were missing I took the house key so we could walk and get back in the house. I actually took off my moms house key, and then later in the evening we drove all the way to my moms to get our spare house key becuase it was locked in the house only to realize when we got there I actually took her key off the chain and not mine.

Or lost my pants and even devised a scenario in which my shop-a-holic mother in law stole them to find out what kind I wore to buy me more (which BTW is totally something she would do) 

Wow I am starting to think my brain has checked out.


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