Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Yes, I am going to be another who asks about sleep...

DD just turned 2 months Sunday.  We've had a rough 2 months.  Among being diagnosed with Turner's Syndrome (a chromosonal abnormality that is not as serious as most), she's has reflux (which is being controlled by Prevacid), major gas and digestional issues (which are being helped by Nutramigen and a probiotic), and we are just coming off a 5 day hospital stay for a virus that caused her to have a fever.  Let's just say, I'm convinced that there is so kind of reward at the end for me Wink

Anywho, we can not seem to get her to consistently have her sleep without being held at night.  One of us has to hold her on the couch at least 2-3 (if not more) nights a week to get any sort of good stretches.  We've tried it all.  Swaddled/unswaddled, RnP/crib, back, side, tummy, paci/no paci.  We make every attempt to have a routine at night (bath, bottle, bed), but with a 2 year it can be altered and with her colic, a lot of times its bath, bottle, scream, pass out from exhaustion hours later.  I need advice!! 

If it matters, she's almost doubled her birth weight and now weighs over 10 pounds, she's still waking up twice a night to eat (which I could do without also, but oh well) and we have her in her own room because her grunting drives me crazy.  


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