Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Newborn with paci - falling out constantly - wabbanub??

I gave my 2 week old a paci tonight because he just wouldn't relax and go to sleep. I've noticed him eating too much because he just wants something in his mouth. (couple of episodes of projectile vomiting after eating way too much).

Anyway, problem is he constantly loses the paci and starts crying. After the 10th time of getting up and replacing it for him I searched the house for the wubbanub my 2 year old had... Much better result. He went 3 hours and 15 minutes before eating again, 45 minutes longer than usual. Hopefully the spitting up will improve too. ( pedi said it was from over eating and he's gaining weight fast)

My question(s).. To get the wabbanub paci to stay put I swaddled it into the Velcro on his swaddle blanket. Anyone see an issue with this that I'm not seeing?
Anyone have any other paci/wabbanub tricks to share? Anything better than a wabbanub? If this helps tonight I'm ordering another tomorrow.
siggy should be here!
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