Babies: 0 - 3 Months

The Guilt! (moms of two or more...)

Ok, I know this is dumb because millions of babies are second (or more) children and turn out just fine, but still... How do you deal with the guilt of not tending to your newborn right away every time? I do my best not to let DS cry too much or too long, but several times a day it's unavoidable. For example if I'm putting DD down for her nap and he starts crying I don't just dump her in her crib and run to him. He usually has to wait a few minutes.

And the opposite is true too, DD is spending so much more time either playing by herself or watching TV. I'm just feeling bad, like I'm not able to give enough to either of them. How do you get past this??

DD february 2010 | DS october 2011

*please excuse my typos, bumping from my iphone*
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