Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Introducing baby to other children

As a FTM with a premi (he was 4 weeks early, so is only just past his due date), I am wondering how soon is OK to introduce my baby to friends children. In the past couple weeks we have gone shopping and to doctors surgeries, but nowhere that is very busy, and always in a stroller so people can`t get to close.

Does anyone know when it is OK for babies to meet other children, I am thinking I wnt to wait until his first vaccines, but that is at 2 months, which seems a long way away, and it after christmas.

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Diagnosed with Anti little c antibodies, LO had severe Anaemia and Jaundice. 10 days in the NICU, 1 exchange transfusion and 3 blood transfusions later LO is happy and healthy
Antibody Sensitisation information

2u2 hear we come :)
My LO is growing fast :)Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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